FAQs & Help

1.      Who can access SCIENCEDOMAIN international journal articles?
Scientists, academicians, students and researchers throughout the world can access SCIENCEDOMAIN international journal articles. All SCIENCEDOMAIN international journals are open access.

2.     How quickly will I know the decision on my article?
SCIENCEDOMAIN international provides authors with a quick peer review service, providing the final decisions generally within four weeks.

3.      How long will it take from submission to online publication of my manuscript?
SCIENCEDOMAIN international aims to provide a rapid publication service faster than other traditional journals. Effort is made that the doi of accepted article would be available online very quickly without compromising the quality of the peer review process. Final publication would take generally six weeks after submission.  

4.      Do these SCIENCEDOMAIN international journals comply with the Wellcome Trust policy?

Please use Funders & Authors Compliance Tool for this purpose (for RCUK, AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC, NERC, STFC, Wellcome Trust)

To check the compliance of SDI journals with Funders' policies, authors may wish to visit this link (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/fact/).


5.      How much is SCIENCEDOMAIN international charging for article processing?
Please see this page for detailed information (http://www.sciencedomain.org/page/publication-charge)

6.     Policy for discounted publication fee for developing countries

Chance of getting discounted publication fee is more for authors from Developing Countries, defined as low and middle income countries list given below (This list is mainly inspired from the list of World Bank). This enables these scientists, for whom the cost of normal publication fee is outside of their means, to access scientific research and colleagues around the world. If a member's financial means are such that normal publication fee is affordable, please select the normal publication fee, to ensure that funds are available for members who would not otherwise be able to afford it. Discounted publication fee in this special rate is not automatically granted. It must be requested along with initial submission of paper in SCIENCEDOMAIN international. Kindly note that decision of discount by SCIENCEDOMAIN international management, depends on availability of fund and other conditions.  For getting discount the following conditions are required to be satisfied.


A)    Open to scientists/students of the low and lower middle income countries, list given below (list is mainly inspired from the list of World Bank).


B)   Both the proof of residency or workplace and citizenship of Corresponding author in an eligible country is required.


List of Low-income economies ($995 or less)

Afghanistan Guinea Nepal
Bangladesh Guinea-Bisau Niger
Benin Haiti Rwanda
Burkina Faso Kenya Sierra Leone
Burundi Korea, Dem Rep. Solomon Islands
Cambodia Kyrgyz Republic Somalia 
Central African Republic Lao PDR Tajikistan
Chad Liberia Tanzania
Comoros Madagascar Togo
Congo, Dem. Rep Malawi Uganda
Eritrea Mali Zambia
Ethiopia Mauritania Zimbabwe
Gambia, The Mozambique  
Ghana Myanmar  


List of Lower-middle-income economies ($996 to $3,945)

Angola India São Tomé and Principe
Armenia Iraq Senegal
Belize   Jordan Sri Lanka
Bhutan Kiribati Sudan
Bolivia Kosovo   Swaziland
Cameroon Lesotho Syrian Arab Republic
Cape Verde Maldives Thailand
China Marshall Islands Timor-Leste
Congo, Rep. Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tonga
Côte d'Ivoire Moldova Tunisia
Djibouti Mongolia Turkmenistan 
Ecuador Morocco Tuvalu
Egypt, Arab Rep. Nicaragua Ukraine
El Salvador Nigeria   Uzbekistan
Georgia Pakistan   Vanuatu
Guatemala Papua New Guinea   Vietnam
Guyana Paraguay West Bank and Gaza
Honduras Philippines Yemen, Rep. 
Indonesia Samoa  


List of Upper-middle-income economies ($3,946 to $12,195)

Albania Dominican Republic   Namibia
Algeria Fiji Palau
American Samoa Gabon Panama
Antigua and Barbuda  Grenada Peru  
Argentina Iran, Islamic Rep.  Romania
Azerbaijan Jamaica  Russian Federation
Belarus Kazakhstan Serbia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Lebanon Seychelles
Botswana Libya South Africa
Brazil Lithuania St. Kitts and Nevis
Bulgaria Macedonia, FYR   St. Lucia
Chile Malaysia St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Colombia Mauritius Suriname
Costa Rica Mayotte Turkey
Cuba Mexico Uruguay
Dominica Montenegro Venezuela, RB


7. Why does SCIENCEDOMAIN international have article-processing charges?
Open access publication involves cost for typesetting, tagging and indexing, editorial management, electronic composition and production, journal information system, manuscript management system, overhead expenses, administrative costs, supporting sales and marketing costs, immediate world-wide barrier-free open access of the article, maintaining peer review system, electronic archiving the final article and posting to the requisite repositories. There will be no submission, color or page charges. Submitted papers will be judged entirely on scientific quality rather than the authors’ ability to pay the charge.


8. How do SCIENCEDOMAIN international’s charges compare with other publishers?
The processing fees of SCIENCEDOMAIN international are amongst the lowest of any publisher offering quality open access publication (please see the comparative list below). BMJ Unlocked ($3145), BMJ Open ($1885), Oxford Open journals ($3000), PLoS Biology & PLoS Medicine ($2900), PLoS Pathogens, PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS Genetics, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases ($2250), PLoS One ($1350), Wiley-Blackwell Online Open ($3000), Cell Reports ($5000), Elsevier Sponsored Article program ($3000-$5000 per article (except The Lancet: $630 per page)), Cambridge Open Option ($2700), Elsevier Cell Reports ($5000), Nature Communications ($5000), EMBO Journal ($3900), Oxford University Press: Nucleic Acids Research ($2770), BrillOpen ($2800), Company of Biologists (~$1965), Journal of Medical Internet Research ($1900), Journal of Neuroscience Open Choice ($980 publication fee + $2575 open access fee), Maney Publishing MORE OpenChoice ($2000), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Open access option ($1300 + additional charges: $70 per page,), Molecular Systems Biology ($3900 + $900 publishing fee), Sage: Sage choice ($3000), Taylor & Francis Open ($995-$1500), Typical SpringerOpen journal ($3000), Journal of Clinical Investigation (~$2500), mBio ($3000), American Physiological Society Author Choice program ($2000; Review articles $3000 inclusive.), etc. These data are collected in 2011-12 and may alter at present. To know the exact present rate, authors requested to visit the website of respective journals. According to Wellcome Trust studies, an article production cost in the subscription model is estimated to be $2,750. The equivalent cost under the article processing fee model is estimated to be $1,950. (Source: Internet)


9. Are any taxes included in this charge?


10. Which funding agencies explicitly allow direct use of their grants to cover article-processing charges?
Many funding agencies strongly encourage Open Access publication and support author(s) to publish their research works. The following funding agencies grant fund for the payment of article processing charges:

South Africa

Swiss National Science Foundation



11. How do I pay?

You will need to arrange payment of the processing charges unless a waiver has been granted, or your institution has covered the cost through a membership scheme.
The submitting author must confirm, at the time of submission, that they will organize payment should the article be accepted for publication.
Following peer review, once a manuscript has received editorial acceptance in principle, the article processing charge becomes payable, and formatting checks on the manuscript will commence. Once formatting checks are completed, and payment of the article processing charge has been received, the article will be published. If you pay via online credit card, a receipt will be sent by email once payment has been processed. Receipts upon payment of an invoice are available on request.


Please see this page for Payment methods, etc (http://www.sciencedomain.org/page/publication-charge)


12. Who do I contact if I would like more information about SCIENCEDOMAIN international?
For any queries please contact the editorial office at contact [at] sciencedomain.org. If you have any further queries, you can contact at the Govt. Registered Office of this publisher. Please see Contact page for contact details: http://www.sciencedomain.org/contact-us.php Editorial network of SCEINCEDOMAIN international is spread over different countries of the world like USA, UK, Russia, Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy, Iceland, India, Japan, China, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, etc. Detailed information about the individuals attached to editorial network is available in the respective editorial board pages of the journal.   


13. What is the procedure of depositing article in PubMed Central?
Please see the 'Abstracting & Indexing' page.


14. What is the indexing status of SCIENCEDOMAIN international journals?
Please see the 'Abstracting & Indexing' page.


15. What are the revenue sources of SCIENCEDOMAIN international?

1. Article processing charge: http://sciencedomain.org/page/publication-charge

2. Sale of hardcopy of the journal or article reprint: http://sciencedomain.org/page/article-reprints

3. Sale of subscription of journal hard-copy: http://sciencedomain.org/page/subscription

4. Advertisement charge: http://sciencedomain.org/page/advertisement

Policy: http://sciencedomain.org/page/sdi-advertising-policy

5. Membership: http://sciencedomain.org/page/membership-page

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